Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

How to Hardware and Windows 98 Work Together


COMPUTERS a re powerful el ectronic beasts, but they are also terri bly ign orant. They knowlittle of the outside world. By itself, your PC doesn’t know how to put images on the screen, howto print a document, or even what to do with the keystrokes you peck into it.
There’s a good reason for this. To create one piece of hardware that could automatically work with any other piece of hardware would require filling it with information about not only how to communicate with any other hardware that already exists, but also with any hardware someone might come up with in the future. It can’t be done.
That’s where software comes in. You may already be accustomed to the idea of software as the applic a ti ons, tools, and games you run on your com p uter. But spec i a l i zed sof t w a re is also needed to tell the PC how to harness its awesome power, how to use new and changing equipment that may be coupled to your PC, and how to make sense of the millions of electrical signals coming in from dozens of different sources.
If you look at the PC as mu s cle and the sof t w a re as brains, there is one more el em ent left. A s pec i fic chip set call ed the B I O S is the soul of your PC. The instru cti ons wri t ten in the ch i p s’ m em ory to cre a te a basic inpu t / ou tput sys tem a re what make your PC an IBM, a Gatew ay, a Dell , a Compaq, a Hewlett-Packard, or a Packard Bell. Often called firmware to signal its status halfway between hardware and software, the BIOS is the bridge between the rest of the hardware and the operating system. It defines what those electrical signals mean when they arrive at the PC, and it translates the equally baffling signals from the computer into instructions for software and other hardware connected to the computer.
It is this marriage of sof tware and hardware that determines how healthy your PC is. In the early days of the IBM PC, manufacturers of imitators of the IBM machine had to re-create the functions of the IBM BIOS without outright copying the instructions branded into the BIOS chips. And until clone makers got the hang of it, there were a lot of “IBM-compatible” PCs that couldn’t display the graphics an IBM could, interpreted keystrokes incorrectly, and sometimes were so confused by the input and output going on that they went into a state of PC catatonia. They crashed.
Today, the relationships between hardware, software, and firmware have been so standardized and purified that compatibility is no longer an issue. But the BIOS and operating system remain the glue between the hard and soft sides of the PC.

bit, 16-bit, 32-bit A bit is the smallest chunk of information a computer can work with—either the binary 0 or 1. 16-bit and 32-bit identify processors that can handle binary numbers up to 16 or 32 bits long. The more bits a processor can use, the faster it can make computations and the more memory it can access easily. conflict, resource conflict A problem that occurs when two or more hardware components try to use the same PC resources for memory, interrupts, or direct memory access. direct memory access (DMA) This system recourse allots a section of memory for exclusive use by a component without having to go through the processor.
driver, device driver Code written for specific peripherals, such as a video card or a printer, that translates commands from software into the signals the peripheral can recognize. expansion cards Circuit boards designed for specific functions, such as handling sound or video, that plug into the PC’s motherboard.IBM-compatible Originally, a PC designed to work with software and hardware the same way an IBM PC would. This meant creating a BIOS that duplicated the functions of the IBM BIOS without violating its copyright. Today the term is archaic because IBM no longer sets the standard for PCs. Instead, PCs conform to standards set by the use of Windows operating systems and Intel processors (Wintel). interrupt controller A microchip that notifies the CPU that some piece of hardware has sent a signal, in the form of a number, that it needs the processor to perform some task. interrupt table A record of memory addresses linked to a specific interrupt number. When an interrupt controller receives an interrupt, it looks up the address associated with that number and instructs the processor to put onto a stack the current address of the data the processors work with and to start executing the code contained at the address found in the table. i n te rrupt (IRQ), or inte rrupt re q u e s t A signal from a peripheral requesting some service by the pro c e s s o r. interrupt return, or IRET instruction A signal the processor sends to the interrupt controller telling it that the CPU has completed the task requested by an interrupt. memory Where a computer stores software and the data the software manipulates. Most commonly used to refer to RAM, but also includes data storage on hard drives and other devices. memory, extended That area of RAM that includes all memory addresses above 1 megabyte. memory, low RAM with memory addresses from 0 to 640K. memory, upper RAM with memory addresses from 640K to 1MB. m e m o r y, virtu a l H a rd drive space that the operating system tells the processor to treat as if it were RAM. memory address The specific location in RAM or virtual memory that can mark the beginning of a section of code or data. motherboard The main circuit board of a PC, into which the processor and expansion cards are inserted. peripheral Any component, inside or external, that adds new hardware capabilities to the basic design of a computer. For example: hard drives, printers, mouse.Plug and Play A hardware and software design that is supposed to automatically configure system resource settings. processor The main microchip in a PC. It carries out the instructions of software by using other components, such as RAM or disk drives, as needed.

thank and regards
cahyo nugroho

2 komentar:

  1. Bahasa indonesianya g' ada ya...??

  2. Tolong diterjemahkan...saya nilai yg bhs indonya ya....tetap nulis...
